Mental Health Support Services Blog

DELETE !   I’m not…..DELETE!  I can’t…….DELETE! hover background

Dec 29

DELETE ! I’m not…..DELETE! I can’t…….DELETE!

  Create a mental delete button and practice deleting negative thoughts. When a self-defeating thought pops into your head, actually visualize the delete button and take your finger and press it firmly! Then replace that “holding you back” thought with a more positive, encouraging and hopeful one. Repeat as necessary!

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Case Management is the GLUE ! hover background

Dec 21

Case Management is the GLUE !

Case management is the GLUE ! I often recognize in our clients that have been provided the gift of case management and therapy, that they are often more compassionate and sometimes even more conscious of others feelings than most people that have never utilized these services. Many clients with whom we have the privilege of […]

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Hakeem – NAMI Talk The 2015 NAMI National Convention “NAMI Talk” about overcoming stigma by Hakeem Rahim    Let’s Talk Mental Illness….. It’s OK to talk hover background

Nov 21

Hakeem – NAMI Talk The 2015 NAMI National Convention “NAMI Talk” about overcoming stigma by Hakeem Rahim Let’s Talk Mental Illness….. It’s OK to talk

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