Phone: 415.507.1525
Case Management,Transition Strategies, and Life-Skills Coaching by the competent and sensitive team at M. Ludwig & Associates. We are founding members of The Support Services Network and are pleased to participate in your care with other quality professionals.
Over the past 11 years, M. Ludwig & Associates, Inc. has provided independent private case management services in Marin, Sonoma and Napa counties, serving people with Mental Illness. We choose to maintain an independent private practice to ensure that we utilize all resources available in the community, as opposed to being linked or obligated to one specific program or agency.
The services of M. Ludwig & Associates Inc. vary according to specific client needs, and include life skills coaching; counseling; assisting clients in obtaining and maintaining safe and suitable housing; assisting with budgeting, shopping, and scheduling activities; and maintaining close contact with other support persons, including therapists, psychiatrists, physicians, and family members.
In order to create a unified team approach to each client’s care, we regularly schedule case reviews for each client with collaborating consultants, treatment team professionals, and allied program staff.
We actively seek out clinicians, residential programs (including those specializing in dual diagnosis treatment), therapists, vocational rehabilitation programs, psychiatrists, and physicians from a broad spectrum of experts and available resources to ensure that the providers and programs to which the client is referred have the expertise and skills to best fit the individual’s personal needs.